Wednesday, August 29, 2012


As you know, we had our doctor appointment at Roswell today.  It was a confusing appointment because the results of the CT scan varied.  The small tumors in Chris' lungs shrunk. However, the lymph node on his wind pipe has continued to grow.  Therefore, Dr. Pili would like to hold treatment for two months to monitor the lymph node.  We will hope and pray that Chris' immune system will continue to fight the tumors and possibly get them to shrink or stop growing.  While this isn't the news we hoped for, we are happy that some of the tumors did shrink.  Please continue to pray for healthy progress because we will be back at Roswell in October for another CT scan.  In the meantime, we are going to continue living with a positive attitude and enjoy life!  Thank you so much for all your continued love and support.  It means the world to the both of us.  Love, Teresa

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Hi everyone! I hope this entry finds you well. I wanted to write a short post to let everyone know what we have been up to and to let you know some date changes in Chris' treatment schedule. We've had a very enjoyable, relaxing second half of our summer. We've been bike riding, movie going, antiquing, and traveling. Chris and I just returned from a weekend getaway in Michigan. My college roommates and I have begun a yearly reunion. We packed up the husbands and got together to reminisce. drink, and eat lots of delicious food. Tomorrow we are going to Niagara-on-the-Lake in Canada for a romantic overnight, just the two of us. Over the last month, we have received an abundance of love from everyone. We are so thankful for your thoughts, prayers, and generous gifts. Next week we will find out if the medication has done what we prayed it would do. Chris has his CT scan on Tuesday, August 28th. Instead of making us wait a week, we will return the next day for the results. I appreciate this. I don't think my nerves could handle a whole week. Please think of us Tuesday and Wednesday. Pray that the tumors have shrunk, so we can continue on with treatment! All of your positive thoughts and prayers have brought us tremendous comfort during this anxious time. We love you! Teresa xo