Friday, September 6, 2013

Wonderful news!!

Quick post because we are exhausted!  Today went better than we could ever imagine.  They were able to take out the entire lymph node!  And the best part, it was encapsulated!!!!  This means it was contained in an egg-like-sac and came out completely whole.  Both the surgeon and our oncologist were thrilled with these results.  Dr. Pili came by to visit and told us the tumor has already been inserted into three mice.  We cannot thank God enough for this amazing blessing!!! We know it was Him that kept this tumor encapsulated over the last year.  And it was because of all of your prayers that He answered us!  Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!!  I'll keep you posted over the coming weeks with Chris's progress.  In the meantime, we are going to enjoy our days and praise God for our blessing!!!

Much love, Teresa xo

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Surgery Time

Chris and I have to be at the hospital tomorrow morning at six. We are hoping surgery will take place early in the morning. Please pray that everything goes well and that God will watch over and guide the surgeons. Hopefully, I'll be able to update Chris's progress tomorrow afternoon. 

Love and blessings, Teresa xo

Friday, August 23, 2013

Surgery Re-Schedule

Well, apparently our ducks weren't in a row!  Chris's surgery date has been re-scheduled to Friday September 6th.  We will know the time on the 5th, so check back.  Instead of an operation, we will enjoy a relaxing Labor Day weekend and the close of summer!  Hope you all will too.

Love and Blessings, Teresa xo

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Surgery Scheduled

Hello Everyone!

I didn't want to post information until we had all of our ducks in a row.  When working with the medical profession, things can change so quickly, I didn't want to give out dates that could change!  With that said, Christopher is scheduled for surgery Friday August 30th to remove his very pesky lymph node!!! 

Many of you are probably thinking, "but I thought they said this was inoperable?"  We thought that, too.  However, our wonderful oncologist never said it was inoperable.  A surgeon at the very beginning of this (not a thoracic surgeon, a urology surgeon) said it was inoperable.  Please let this be a lesson...don't settle for an answer from just one doctor!  Seek other opinions.  Pray and look for the answer you're willing to accept.  My beautiful husband is living proof that God answers prayers.  And I will always be so very grateful to our Lord and Savior for this beautiful blessing.

But I digress, the Chief Surgeon of Thoracic Robotics will perform the sugery.  Yes, you read that right, robotics!  Chris will have a robotic surgery to remove the lymph node.  He will be in the hospital overnight, if everything goes according to plan. He will be home the next day!

The really cool part about all of this...I asked our oncologist if there was a way to hold on to this tumor.  I've read about research being done to create cancer vaccines and other treatments from the original tumors that people had in their bodies.  Our doctor explained that they need to have a living part of the tumor in case they are able to develop any of these modern treatment conceptions.  So, our onocologist will take part of Chris's tumor and place it in a mouse in his research lab!  Isn't that amazing?!  Unfortunately, they need a lot more money to develop these new treatments.  Kidney cancer isn't a cancer you hear about all the time.  Hopefully through this blog, I'm helping bring awareness to this horrible disease that deserves just as much acknowledgement as other more common discussed cancers.

Please pray that everything goes well and that the surgeon is able to get all of the lymph node, tumor, and any surrounding lymph nodes.  Please thank the Lord for the healing that He has already granted Chris and that He will continue to heal him. 

We won't know what time surgery is until the 29th.  Please check back next Thursday.  I will post the time, so we can have as many people praying as possible during surgery.  I'm determined to have God make sure the surgeon is able to get all of it out safely! 

Love and Blessings, Teresa xo

Monday, July 22, 2013

Praise the Lord!

It is with a joyous heart that I write this post!

Chris had a scan last week and his lungs are clear!!!  The lymph node continues to be stable!  And there is no cancer anywhere else!!!  I cannot tell you how blessed we are feeling!  God is amazing!

For the first time, Dr. Pili is now discussing other options to get rid of this pesky lymph node.  We will talk to him this week.  In the meantime, we are praying that God lead us down the path for complete healing.  Thank you for all  your love and support.  We are certainly not done yet, but our path is looking brighter!  I will keep you posted on treatments as we figure out the next step in our journey.

In other news, Chris and I are having a relaxing summer.  This is the first "official" summer that I'm not working  (I don't count last summer because that wasn't much of a summer anyway.)  We are enjoying waking up and letting the days come to us.  We've been working on small decorating projects, gardening, bike riding, pool hopping, cooking, and of course playing with the pups...quite a busy job in itself! 

Chris's family have been in town and it has been wonderful getting to visit with all of them!  With everyone spread out over the country, it's hard to get together.  We were able to have many cookouts, lunches, and visits in which we were able to see all the extended family at one point or another!  It's been terrific getting to know my new Irish roots and learn that Mary is a very popular name among the Irish! 

I'll sign off this happy post with a picture of Chris, Stella and I from the Fourth of July.  It was hard to keep her still because we were at my parents house with all her pup cousins!  She didn't want to miss out on any of the action!

love and blessings,
Teresa xo
PS Please continue the prayers!  God is listening! 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Thursday already!?

I apologize!  I know that I have wonderful, dedicated followers that check my blog daily when we are in the middle of treatment.  I've been a very bad blogger this week.  It's funny to think back a year ago when we began this journey.  We were so scared and nervous.  When we entered the hospital the first time, we had no idea what to expect.  We read as much as we could trying to prepare ourselves for what was to come, all the while making ourselves more and more nervous.  At this point, it's more of a routine.  That scared feeling no longer exists.  We know what to expect, we know what we are dealing with, and we enter the hospital ready to fight this disease with faith, strength, and a positive attitude!  The nurses are so sweet.  They seem to be quite impressed with my knowledge of the simple things.  I can turn the blood pressure monitor on/off, measure liquid intake, convert temperatures to Fahrenheit from Celsius, and predict whether or not Chris will get the next dose!  We are veterans at this point, receiving our induction into the 3 cycle IL2 group!  We are very proud.

On a happy note, tomorrow is Friday!!!  Chris is doing fantastic!  He's tired, swollen, red, but he's gotten six doses and is praying for a seventh.  According to the best nursing staff EVER, this is an amazing accomplishment during the last round of treatment.  I personally believe God is making sure He gets Chris the doses he needs and seven sounds like it might be the blessed number.

Thanks for checking to see how we are doing.  Many of our friends are off tomorrow.  Enjoy the long weekend.  I'm very grateful that I get to spend Monday at home with my family!  This finish line is in our sight!

 much love, Teresa xo

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy Birthday Christopher!

We are home! Chris is feeling fatigued, but okay.  He did great this week and was able to get a total of 7 doses.  Being discharged today was the perfect birthday present!  I've posted a photo of Chris reading up on his present from me!  A Nikon camera, so he can capture our beautiful family moments!  Happy Birthday my love!  You're an amazing husband.

Much love, Teresa xo