Thursday, May 23, 2013

Thursday already!?

I apologize!  I know that I have wonderful, dedicated followers that check my blog daily when we are in the middle of treatment.  I've been a very bad blogger this week.  It's funny to think back a year ago when we began this journey.  We were so scared and nervous.  When we entered the hospital the first time, we had no idea what to expect.  We read as much as we could trying to prepare ourselves for what was to come, all the while making ourselves more and more nervous.  At this point, it's more of a routine.  That scared feeling no longer exists.  We know what to expect, we know what we are dealing with, and we enter the hospital ready to fight this disease with faith, strength, and a positive attitude!  The nurses are so sweet.  They seem to be quite impressed with my knowledge of the simple things.  I can turn the blood pressure monitor on/off, measure liquid intake, convert temperatures to Fahrenheit from Celsius, and predict whether or not Chris will get the next dose!  We are veterans at this point, receiving our induction into the 3 cycle IL2 group!  We are very proud.

On a happy note, tomorrow is Friday!!!  Chris is doing fantastic!  He's tired, swollen, red, but he's gotten six doses and is praying for a seventh.  According to the best nursing staff EVER, this is an amazing accomplishment during the last round of treatment.  I personally believe God is making sure He gets Chris the doses he needs and seven sounds like it might be the blessed number.

Thanks for checking to see how we are doing.  Many of our friends are off tomorrow.  Enjoy the long weekend.  I'm very grateful that I get to spend Monday at home with my family!  This finish line is in our sight!

 much love, Teresa xo


  1. So happy tomorrow is Friday,too... You both are troopers. All our love ..granny and poppa

  2. I am so proud of both of the you Your faith and love have gotten you this most difficult year. Thank you for the mothers day card. The usp forwarded it finally I received it on my birthday.
    love mom

  3. It's now Saturday as I'm reading this ... hope you are now home and resting! Glad to hear that you were able to get six doses .. and maybe even seven! God is good!
    Praying for you!

  4. Thought of you both often this week. Glad to hear things are going well. Good luck today and enjoy your time together when you get home!

    The Cain's

  5. So grateful to God for his blessings on you both and that this finish line is so near. Enjoy your weekend together and know that we all continue to hold you up in prayer.
    I'll be walking in the Greece Relay for Life in June to honor Chris and his fight. He is an inspiration.

  6. Great news! Prayers are being answered!

  7. So glad to hear this last session went so well. God's plans are great! I hope you had a peaceful weekend. I continue to pray for you both & love you. Aunt Janee
