Friday, September 6, 2013

Wonderful news!!

Quick post because we are exhausted!  Today went better than we could ever imagine.  They were able to take out the entire lymph node!  And the best part, it was encapsulated!!!!  This means it was contained in an egg-like-sac and came out completely whole.  Both the surgeon and our oncologist were thrilled with these results.  Dr. Pili came by to visit and told us the tumor has already been inserted into three mice.  We cannot thank God enough for this amazing blessing!!! We know it was Him that kept this tumor encapsulated over the last year.  And it was because of all of your prayers that He answered us!  Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!!  I'll keep you posted over the coming weeks with Chris's progress.  In the meantime, we are going to enjoy our days and praise God for our blessing!!!

Much love, Teresa xo

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Surgery Time

Chris and I have to be at the hospital tomorrow morning at six. We are hoping surgery will take place early in the morning. Please pray that everything goes well and that God will watch over and guide the surgeons. Hopefully, I'll be able to update Chris's progress tomorrow afternoon. 

Love and blessings, Teresa xo